Category Archives: tip thursday

Lunch Hack Easy Squeeze Yogurts

I view yogurt sticks as a double edged sword, they are super convenient as a quick snack or treat, but if you’ve ever given one to a clumsy toddler you know that more ends up down their belly than into … Continue reading

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Self Cleaning Oven – Tricky Tip Thursday

I learned a lesson this week about my tendency to me on the lazy side. We ran out of whole wheat flour. Blasphemy! I know. But I suppose it happens to even the best of us. I know a more … Continue reading

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Tricky Tip Thursday – Quick Clean Your Microwave

I know I’ve mentioned before that I’m lazy. It’s just hard to want to exert a great deal of effort on things that aren’t fun, especially when there are so many enjoyable things in this world. This laziness makes it hard … Continue reading

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Tricky Tip Thursday – Baby Powder

The older boys are visiting grandma and they are having an awesome time eating junk, being spoiled, and going to places like Legoland and the beach. The turkey misses them lots and in addition to asking when they’ll come home … Continue reading

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