Day 2 – The “Miracle” Cleaner

Happy Pinterest Challenge Day 2! I’ve spent 2 days running around like a crazy person getting all the kidlets registered for school. I’m most traumatized by the idea that I have a high schooler. I can still so vividly remember being in high school, so this hardly seems possible.

I still managed to try something on my pinterest today though. This pin has been floating around since my early pinteresting days and in it’s various incarnations is repinned hundreds of times.

I already do a lot of cleaning with baking soda and peroxide anyway, so putting them together wasn’t much of a stretch. I looked around and realized I didn’t have a gunky cookie sheet because I mostly cook on stoneware. What I did have is a super gunky kettle. We use it everyday and it just sets on the stove top and collects all the stuff from cooking.  It’s not like we’ve never washed the thing it’s just got build up. Couldn’t ask for a much better “before” picture though.


So I gathered up my “ingredients”, peroxide and baking soda. Notice my inverted bag of baking soda, someone was super helpful opening it.

I mixed them into a paste and started scrubbing. The pin says you can use your fingers, but I like my happy little homemade knit scrubby. I sometimes have these listed in my shop.


Just keep scrubbing, actually we stopped to take an in progress picture.


Ooh shiny! The actual kettle took a bit more elbow grease and had some spots I couldn’t quite get into, but even the kids were impressed with how clean it was.

I can’t say the same for my project towel I put down. I had a baking soda mess caked all over it. I suppose I could have avoided that by just doing the whole thing over the sink, but it did take a little while to apply and scrub.


Overall, I’d call this an easy Pinterest success. What have you tried so far?

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One Response to Day 2 – The “Miracle” Cleaner

  1. Pingback: Pumpkin Spice Cookie Balls - Cornfed CrunchyCornfed Crunchy

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