Day 19 – Pizzaghetti

Gonna admit trying a new pin every day has been difficult to keep up with, but at least I’ve done more than I had before and I’m inspired to keep at it for the long haul.

There are several variations of this on Pinterest and I’m gonna admit I only kinda flipped through them and then went in my own direction.

But here are a few you can try:

Spaghettti Pizza I | "I added meat to the sauce, extra cheese on top, and black olives to half, and the whole family swore it was awesome. Super easy to make, makes lots, and perfect for picky families!"


Spaghetti Pizza Pie.  Easy way to use leftover spaghetti!  How awesome is that?!   #pasta #pizza


We already had spaghetti leftovers in the fridge from the night before made with sausage, peppers, zucchini, and the last of our homemade/canned pasta sauce. We wanted something to get it eaten without revisiting it exactly as we’d seen it originally.

Super easy! Basically we took our spaghetti and mixed it up with eggs then put it in a greased pan covered with cheese and pepperoni then pop it in the oven.

DSCN1480 DSCN1481Apparently my camera ate the after picture. Figures! It was good though. But the key to getting it to be more solid and less like spaghetti is to let it sit and cool for a bit. Our fresh out of the oven helpings were all floppy and falling apart while second helpings for those who had them held together like a pizza.

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